Terms of Service

Last Updated on 1st January 2021

Master Trainers Limited endeavours to maintain a high level of service to its customers in relation to all of our products. Please read these terms of use (‘Terms‘) in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.

About these Terms

www.mastertrainers.co.nz (”this website”) is operated by Master Trainers Limited (”we”, ”us”, ”our”). These Terms constitute an agreement made between the website user (”you”, ”your”) and us. You must not access or use this website unless you accept all of these Terms. By accessing and using this website you confirm your acceptance of these Terms.



We reserve the right to change these Terms from time to time by publishing the changed Terms on this website. You agree to review these Terms periodically to be aware of such changes. Your continuing access or use of this website following such publication shall be deemed your conclusive acceptance of these Terms, as revised. We reserve the right to add, modify, or remove this website or any information, feature, specification, or other part of this website (at any time and without notice to you).


Your privacy

Where we collect your personal information as a result of your accessing and using this website, our Privacy Policy will apply to that information. Accordingly, these Terms must be read in conjunction with our Privacy Policy.


Our intellectual property

The entire content of this website is protected by copyright and other laws of New Zealand, and under similar laws and international conventions abroad. You acknowledge and agree that all copyright and other intellectual property rights that may subsist in this website including text, illustrations, photographs, video, music, sounds, layout, designs, source code, belong to us or to our licensors (together, ‘our intellectual property’). We value our intellectual property and will vigorously enforce those rights to the fullest extent permitted by law.


Limited permission to use

You may view, download, or print portions of this website (and you may otherwise use the permitted functionality of this website) solely for your own personal use, provided that you agree not to change or delete any copyright or proprietary notices from such portions. You must not otherwise print or reproduce any part of this website for any reason except with our prior written consent in each instance. By making this website available to you, we do not give you any other right, title, interest, or licence in or to any of our intellectual property.



You must not access or use this website other than in accordance with these Terms. In the course of accessing and using this website, you must not:

 Third party trademarks

All third party trademarks appearing on this website are the property of their respective owners, and are used on this website merely to refer to the trademark proprietor or its products. The use of any third party trademarks on this website is not intended to imply any connection between us or our products and services and the trade mark proprietor or any of its products or services, nor any endorsement of our products or services by the trade mark proprietor.


Self Registration Terms and Conditions 

These terms are on our website and learning management system ‘Master Trainers Academy’ for when a user self-registers for online training.

You Agree:


Our Support to You:

 You Can’t:


We Are Not:



We may offer goods or services (‘Products’) for sale on this website. Your purchase of each Product shall be governed by these Terms and any additional terms that we communicate to you at the time of purchase.


Subscription Products

Some Products may be purchased for a specified term, e.g., monthly or annually (‘Subscription Products’), rather than relating to a one-off good or service. The subscription term varies depending on the Subscription Product that you order. You are entitled to receive the relevant Subscription Product only during the subscription term specified in your order.


Termination of Subscription Products

You may cancel your subscription for any Subscription Product any time by giving us 48 hours’ notice that you wish to cancel your subscription. If you cancel an order in accordance with these Terms, we will cancel future subscription instalment payments as soon as reasonably possible. Please note that if you give us notice of cancellation fewer than 48 hours before a pending subscription instalment payment is due to be charged, we cannot guarantee that that payment will be cancelled.


Contract formation

This website and the information on it constitute an invitation to treat and not an offer to supply Products. When you order Products from us, this constitutes an offer from you to buy those Products in accordance with these Terms. Only when we have accepted your order through the website following our receipt of your payment for that order shall a contract be formed between you and us.


Order Process

You may order Products from us by completing the relevant form online and providing us with the details of your order. You must provide all required information (including your name and email address). We shall then accept or reject your order through our website following our receipt of your payment for that order.


Our discretion in rejecting or accepting orders

No order shall be deemed accepted by us until you have received an order confirmation from us. We reserve the right to accept or reject (for any reason whatsoever and in whole or in part) any order submitted by you. If we reject your order (or part of your order), any money paid by you in relation to the rejected part of that order shall be refunded and we shall have no further liability to you in relation to the rejected part of that order.



The price payable by you for any Product ordered by you shall be the price quoted on this website at the time your order is submitted. We may vary any prices on this website at any time and without notice to you.



We may charge fees or other amounts to access certain aspects of the Products available on this website. We have no obligation to supply Products unless and until we receive payment of all prices and fees. You are fully liable for all charges incurred under your account whether or not authorised by you. You must pay for your orders using the third-party payments service selected by us, such as Stripe or PayPal. You agree to pay for your orders by authorising our nominated third-party payment service to charge your credit card account for the total price of the goods or services ordered and the applicable delivery charges (if any). You agree to be bound by the terms of these third-party payment services.


Recurring payments

You agree to pay for any Subscription Products by recurring payment. We will automatically charge you the relevant charges on a recurring basis. If you elect to subscribe for a Subscription Product on a monthly basis, then we will automatically charge you the relevant charges for the subsequent month unless you cancel your subscription before the new monthly subscription term begins. If you elect to subscribe for a Subscription Product annually, we will automatically charge you the relevant charges for the subsequent year, unless you cancel your subscription before the new annual subscription terms begin. You accept responsibility for all recurring charges incurred prior to cancellation. You agree that we may make periodic charges relating to your subscription without further authorisation from you.


Problems with payments

If there is a problem with your payment (for example, if your credit card transaction is declined), we may contact you to make alternative payment arrangements. You will be liable for all debt collection costs where you fail to make payment for any order.


 Feedback and unsolicited ideas

If you give us feedback about this website or our products or services, you grant us the right to use that feedback for the purpose of improving our website, products or services (and for any other purpose we deem necessary or desirable) without being obliged to pay you any compensation in respect of our use of that feedback. We (and our employees and agents) do not accept or consider unsolicited ideas, including artwork, demos, samples, and other ideas for new promotions, products, product names, processes, technologies, or materials (‘unsolicited ideas‘). You must not send unsolicited ideas to us. If you do send us unsolicited ideas:

Interactions between users

You are solely responsible for your interactions with other users of this website or any of our services. We reserve the right, but have no obligation, to monitor interactions, discussions, or disputes between you and other users.


Incorrect Information

Where any Product is listed on this website with an incorrect price or with incorrect information, we reserve the right to cancel your order (regardless of whether you have made payment for that order). Where you have already made payment for an order that is subsequently cancelled by us we will refund the amount paid by you in relation to that order.



While we endeavour to ensure that the content of this website is free from errors, we do not give any warranty or other assurance as to the content of material appearing on this website, its accuracy, completeness, timeliness or fitness for any particular purpose.


Malicious code

Although we endeavour to prevent the introduction of viruses or other malicious code (together, ‘malicious code’) to this website, we do not guarantee or warrant that this website, or any data available from it, does not contain malicious code. We will not be liable for any damages or harm attributable to malicious code. You are responsible for ensuring that the process that you employ for accessing this website does not expose your computer system to the risk of interference or damage from malicious code.



Although we endeavour to protect the security of your personal information you acknowledge that there is a risk of unauthorised access to (or alteration of) your transmissions or data or of the information contained on your computer system or on this website. We do not accept responsibility or liability of any nature for any losses that you may sustain as a result of such unauthorised access or alteration. All information transmitted to you or from you is transmitted at your risk, and you assume total responsibility and risk for your use of this website and the Internet. We do not accept responsibility for any interference or damage to your own computer system which arises in connection with your accessing of this website or any outbound hyperlink.


Disclaimer of warranties

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we provide this website and related information and services on an ‘as is’ basis without any warranties, representations, or guarantees of any kind (whether, express, implied, statutory or otherwise) including, but not limited to, warranties of non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.


 Limitation of liability

To the maximum extent permitted by law, we will not be liable in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise for any loss of profits, loss of data, or for any indirect, incidental, consequential, or economic damages or losses (howsoever caused), which you may directly or indirectly suffer in connection with: (i) your use of, or inability to use, this website, or any material appearing on this website; or (ii) any action or decision taken as a result of using this website, or any material appearing on this website even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall our total liability to you in contract, tort (including negligence), or under any other cause of action for all damages, losses, costs and expenses suffered by you exceed the amount paid by you (if any) to us in the month immediately preceding the most recent event that gave rise to your claim.



You will indemnify us, our officers and employees from and against all claims, demands, damages, losses, costs, and expenses arising from:

 Governing law

These Terms shall be governed by the laws of New Zealand and the courts of New Zealand shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine any dispute arising in relation to these Terms. Except as otherwise described, all materials on this website are made available only to provide information about us, this website, and the products which may be ordered from this website. This website has been prepared in accordance with New Zealand law, and may not satisfy the laws of any other country. We make no representations or warranties as to whether or not the information or products available from this website are appropriate or available for use in other countries. If you choose to access this website from outside New Zealand you are responsible for compliance with applicable local law.

If you have any questions about our Terms of Service please email us at [email protected] .