Learn how to manage your fears and
reset your life and career after job loss
Almost always job loss is caused by economic or other circumstances that are outside of your control.
It is important to reflect that it is your job situation that has changed, not you.
You possess valuable transferable skills and this is a good opportunity for you to take a renewed sense of control over your career direction.
This is your time to reflect on your career and your life and decide what changes you would like to make to achieve a more positive balance and greater satisfaction.
This course is designed to help you overcome the challenges and emotional strain of losing your job.
The focus is on learning tools to help you make sense of your current situation, allow you to reframe it, and rebound by harnessing the right mindset and support network.
Surviving Job Loss
Course Overview
- Understanding the context of job loss and the emotional cycle
- How to shift your mindset and take back control of your life
- The three phases of career transition
- How to define your next career opportunity
- Myths and practical tips to manage your transition effectively
- Wrap up